
Which is the best incense for good sleep?

Adam Robinson

Tags insomnia, sleep

Which is the best incense for good sleep?
Many people have difficulty sleeping at night and are reluctant to take sleeping pills which can often be addictive and have a multitude of side effects. I sometimes get asked, "I can't sleep. Can you recommend an incense that can help me?". Burning incense before bed can create a peaceful atmosphere which in turn promotes a restful night's sleep.

Which is the best incense for relaxation and combatting anxiety?

Adam Robinson

Tags anxiety, relaxation

Which is the best incense for relaxation and combatting anxiety?
As a society, we are facing the issue of increased anxiety. I see anxiety as the unwanted and irrational feeling of fear. Fear is a powerful emotion and, at one level, a useful one. On a biological level, it helps us to avoid or escape dangerous situations. Here, though, we're talking about feeling fearful when we're not at risk or in any immediate danger, like fear of social situations or regarding our life circumstances such as financial problems or personal relationships.